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Heartland Association of REALTORS®
Registration is now open for the Texas REALTOR® Leadership Program
The Texas REALTORS® Leadership Program (TRLP) is an eight (8) month program limited to 20 students. All applications will be reviewed and are subject to a selection process by a WTEC panel to ensure a diverse mix of students from the region.
Costs: Program tuition is $695.00. A $350 Deposit is due upon submission of your application. The remainder of
tuition is due February 14, 2025.
Tentative Dates
Opening Retreat: Thurs, February 27 & Fri, February 28, 2025 in Odessa
Module 2: Leadership Defined: Friday, March 287th in Midland
Module 3:Leadership Delivered: Friday, April 25 in San Angelo
Module 4:Leadership Directed: Friday, May 16 in Brownwood
Module 5: Spokesperson Training: Friday, June 27 in Abilene
Module 6: September TBD Legislature, Law &
Texas REALTORS® in Austin
Module 7:Leadership Developed: Friday, October 17 in Midland
Module 8: Graduation: Friday, November 21 in Odessa
The venues will be announced monthly prior to meeting date.
Remember to submit the application by Jan 31st
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